Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about Keepmark.
If you bought the application, and it does not meet your expectations, you can cancel the purchase within 14 days. You will receive a refund of the entire purchase amount. To get a refund, please notify me by email ( I am also happy to take your feedback, why you did not like the product - to make it even better.
When you buy, you get a Trial key for the beginning, valid 30 days from the date of purchase. This gives you the possibility to cancel your purchase within 14 days and receive a refund. After 14 days (if you do not cancel your purchase), your will receive on your email a new key, valid for an unlimited period of time.
My name is Tomasz Chudyk, I work as a backend developer in one of the companies producing software for the medical industry.
Here is my LinkedIn profile.
I'm selling my software as a company:
The Keepmark project is a side project, where I looking for new solutions that will improve everyday work with documents and other computer resources. The basic functionality is a document search engine that will allow you to search not only by the name or meta data, but also by the content of documents. You will find more about the features HERE.