Project Management

Keepmark can serve as a local project management tool for you. You can create a separate workspace for each project, or keep multiple projects in one workspace (if the projects are strongly connected).

Keepmark can help you organize your projects

Organize repository structure with folders and tags

Proper organization of the documents inside the repository will allow you to move around the documents more easily. To present a list of documents you can use folders (tree structure), tags (flat structure), people associated with the document or just custom filters.

Filters view
Filters view
Folders view
Folders view
Tags view
Tags view

Each of these views will additionally allow you to search the returned list or to group the returned documents (after their location, modification date, possible publication date).

Plain list of documents
List of documents
List of documents grouped by modify date
List of documents grouped by date
List of files grouped by location
List of documents grouped by location
List of documents with visible preview
List with preview

See documents preview without open it

Quick preview of many file formats
Preview of documents

Keepmark allows you to quickly preview many popular formats without opening the file. This will save you a lot of time in accessing information or finding the right document. Currently it is possible to preview documents in formats:

  • PDF
  • HTML
  • DOC/DOCX - Ms Word formats
  • XLS/XLSX - Ms Excel formats
  • PPT/PPTX - Ms PowerPoint formats
  • ODT and ODS - OpenOffice formats
  • EML - Email file (like this saved from Thunderbird)
  • Images (jpg, png, gif, svg)
  • Audio  (mp3, vaw, ogg)
  • Video  (mp4, mpg)
  • Markdown/Textpack files (with editing)
  • Encrypted files (pgp/gpg, aes)
  • Text files

Read documents from email account

Email preview
Email preview

You probably receive a lot of project-related documents by email. To make your work easier, you can configure the Keepmark to automatically retrieve emails stored in a given IMAP folder (or for Gmail - tagged). Such newly downloaded emails can be saved as files on your computer (in an inbox if you want to organize them further, or directly in a specified place in the repository).

You can also cleverly use the mailbox as an entry point for your notes created e.g. with a mobile device - just send yourself a note, voice recording or photos to a configured mailbox, to see these documents in the Keepmark.

Send documents to other people

Send document as an email to others
Send email

With the Keepmark you can also easily email selected documents to others. This will save you additional time wasted in switching between applications and preparing an email.

Create relations between documents and find similar

Find related documents quickly
Document relations

To further simplify access to the right documents, Keepmark allows you to create relationships between them. This allows you to switch easily from an open document to another. However, if you do not want to define relations between documents manually, you may find the related document in the list of similar documents.

Show a list of documents related to the selected person

Browse documents list assigned to someone
List of documents related to person

Keepmark allows you to keep a list of people somehow connected to the project. This adds an extra "dimension" to management and document search. Thanks to this you can assign documents to selected people and then browse the documents based on the relation with a given person.

Create tasks from documents

Quick create tasks for each document
Add related tasks to document

Do you have a list of documents you need to take care of, or maybe you want to save yourself some tasks to do later?
Keepmark allows you to convert selected documents into tasks, or just create tasks without documents. You can later browse all the tasks in a special view so that you don't lose them in the jungle of other documents.

Get browser bookmarks as part of project resources

Add bookmarks as part of your project
Bookmarks inside Keepmark

When working on a project, you probably use the Internet. You often discover new pages and articles that can be helpful in its realization. To keep the addresses you find, you add them to your favourites in your browser. Keepmark can observe your bookmarks in your browser within selected folders (or all of them) and import them into the repository as well.